The wildlife we see the most of is birds. 2 roadrunners since we've been here - for a brief moment before they scooted into the underbrush. Cliff swallows under the nearby bridges - reminding me of the barn swallows from back home, chattering as the swoop and dive. A few pair of house finches at our feeder along with an array for sparrows. There is a very large breed of black bird that is all pervasive - we have 4 nests in the large tree outside our condo - and a smaller starling like bird that "grazes" on the ground - literally they walk through the grass nibbling and pecking. A pair of morning doves occasionally ventures onto our patio to eat the seed scattered by the finches. Finally, in the bird realm, there is a beautiful grey-brown flicker-type bird, with distinctive white lines on it's wings and beautiful song. Up until a few weeks ago I didn't know what kind of bird it was - but we saw them all over the place. Come to find out it is the Texas state bird - the mocking bird. I have to admit, in a way Texas captivated me - the mocking bird was almost Romantic and I found myself on the lookout for the graceful fliers every time I stepped out of doors. And of course their song is lovely - never predictable, ever changing, but always a beautiful array of trills, chirps, twitters and occasionally machine like sounds. They sometimes sing long into the night and quite often I hear them as I walk out to my car at 5:30 in the morning on my way to work.
As far as other critters, here is the run down.
Rabbits - everywhere on UD's campus. Cute little hoppers out in the early morning or late evening shadows. (An interesting story: when Chris and I first moved down last summer we were out for a walk close to UD's baseball field. As we got closer to one of the batting cages we noticed a little bunny suck in the nets. It was so sad seeing the little critter jumping and flipping all tangled in the net. So Chris and I set it free)
Last week on my way to work I saw a skunk. (You know you're desperate for the country when a skunk sighting is exciting!) The little stinkers have actually caused a lot of problems at the University and Cicstercian monastery.We've had a few Possum sightings as well.
Of course, for those of you who have visited Chris's blog you'll have seen our most recent run in with a new Texan critter - the Nutria.
The little wall lizards have reappeared. Every evening pale, black eyed lizards creep out of the siding and cling to the outside of our condo. To be honest, I think they are kind of cute.
Unfortunately an overview of the Texas critters we've encountered has to include the ever present roach. Ugly, disgusting, gross - enough said.
Still no armadillos! I really want to see one before I leave the area - though it may require getting out of the Metroplex.
I want to see some pictures of your critters - especially the mockingbirds and the lizards. :)
An armadillo sighting would be very cool.
I really, really would like to see a (live) armadillo. Perhaps on the open road to Houston?
Also, due to your inpspiration, I've posted something on my blog.
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