13 June, 2008

1 year (2 weeks late)

1 wonderful year with Chris. It has had it's ups and downs; but on the whole it's been quite wonderful. In fact, it's been surprising to me how great it's been. I had very set expectations that it would be one of the more difficult years of our marriage - with all the different things to adjust to and just figuring out how to "do" marriage. Not just a new roommate - but a new "life-mate" a new job, a new house, new friends - figuring out how to make a home together, how to run a household together, how to do life together, how to communicate well, how to love each other well, how to grow together (spiritually and relationally), how to coordinate and balance preferences, desires, schedules, expectations, etc, etc, etc. Big adjustments and big things to learn.

But, year 1 was not only vastly different than my expectations, it was surprising. Surprising how smoothly the transition into all the new aspects of life has gone; surprising how few disagreements we've had; surprising how down right easy this year has been. (Perhaps this has to do with the incredibly easy nature of my husband who is so quick to let go of his own desires and humor mine). The most surprising thing is how much more "in love" with Chris I feel each day. I miss him when we are apart for the day, can't wait to see him at the end of the work day, and delight in seeing him walk through the door. I thought all the "in-loveness" happened before you got married, and then, when you have to live with the person day in and day out - dealing with all their annoying habits and you're own disappointment that marriage isn't all you thought it would be - it starts to wear off. But that has not been the case for me. Of course, I've had my disappointments, and Chris may have 1 or 2 small habits that I have a hard time dealing with :) - but the "in loveness" has stormed me by surprise.

On the flip-side, we've certainly had to learn what it really means to "love the other as yourself" - the daily laying down of your own desires, preferring the other, the work of really knowing the other, choosing him and actively working for his good. In other words, we are learning how two become one flesh.

I am extremely thankfully for my wonderful husband and this year together.


melissa said...

yeah! I'm so glad the "in-loveness" is still strong. I hope it never wears off. It's wonderful to have been married for a year (or almost 5, in my case) and to still be excited to hear your husband walk through the door at the end of the day.

I'm also glad you've found the happiness that can come from letting go of your own desires to bless your husband. That's truly a gift.

May you both grow ever closer to each other and to the beautiful image of Christ as Servant-bridegroom and the Church as the beautiful Bride.

Stephanie said...

Thanks Sister