17 July, 2008

Summer Time

I've been informed that my lack of posting has made some of my readers (or reader, as the case may be) "angry." So, in an attempt to appease the masses - a post.

Since mid-May Chris and I have been on "summer holiday" - of sorts. We are both still working full time and have not taken any major vacations, but, for the first time since we married, Chris has not been in a class. A full 2 months with no evening class!

During the school year I had a pretty set schedule during the week: work 6-3, work out 3:30 - 4:15 M,W,F or go to the chapel T,TH, head home and either clean up and head to 5 o'clock Mass or just start dinner. The day's I went to Mass I would hurry home and whip up a quick dinner before Chris had to rush off to class. They were full days - nice, but full.

But, with the end of the semester and 5 o'clock Mass on campus our afternoons/evenings have stretched out before us with infinite possibilities.

One of our favorite things this summer has been listening to the Cub's games online. Earlier in the season we would sit out on our little deck, listening to Ron Santo and Pat Hughes announce the game. We listen so often that I've gotten pretty attached to them. It is not an uncommon evening for me to crawl into bed around 9pm, Chris strumming his guitar, and Ron and Pat giving the play by play from Wrigley Field. 95% of the time I don't make it to the end of the game, but, if it's a good game, Chris will whisper the final score to me before he turns out the lights.

Another summer-time favorite has been Sunday and Wednesday evening Ultimate Frisbee. During the heat of the summer months we play later in the evening - 7:30ish - under the lights on the Universities Rugby field. Co-ed, fairly competitive and a lot of fun!

In an attempt to stay fit, Chris and I have been swimming laps 2-3 times a week. We each got a pair of goggles and feel very official.

A few highlights from the summer:

Our dear friend Andy came for a visit over Memorial Day weekend. It was so nice to visit with him and hear about his adventures in Kentucky.

Over the 4th of July, in an attempt to "get out into nature" the two of us took an ill-advised walk around the renowned White Lake Rock just east of down town Dallas. I had heard it was a great place to bike, but since our bikes were not in tip-top shape we decided to hoof it. About 20 minutes into our walk we came upon a small map of the lake. It was pretty sizable, but we were both in good spirits and it was still only mid-morning, so we decided to press on and complete the entire circuit. 2.5 hours and 9.3 miles later two very sun-burned individuals collapsed into their little white Honda Civic. I don't know if "fun" is exactly the correct word - but it certainly was an adventure.

In June, Chris took a 1 week trip to Chicago to visit family and friends. Due to limited time off of work I was not able to go with him, but I did have a college friend - Ms. Betsy Maynard - visit for a few days. We ventured over to Fort Worth to see the long-horns one evening and then headed down to Houston for a friend's wedding.

A few weeks after that Chris and I made the 4 hour drive back down to Houston for a long weekend away. It was sort of a late anniversary trip - and it just so happened to be the weekend the Cubs were in town. It was a fabulous weekend! We went to all 3 games, spent a morning swimming in the ocean and driving along the coast and enjoyed a very nice hotel!(take the hotel tour) It was perhaps the highlight of the summer thus far.

The last of a long list of weddings took place at the end of July. Dan and Bethany, dear friends of ours, were married July 26th and moved into the condo directly across from ours.

Chris has been in an intense 5 week summer class since July 14th on Acts and the letters of Paul. He's been enjoying the class - and working so very hard! It's been a lot of fun gleaning all the knowledge he is receiving and talking with him about it. The class wraps up this week and then we'll have a little over 2 weeks before the fall classes start. During that time we are taking a quick trip up to Wisconsin to visit my family and help my parents get the farm ready to sell - a much anticipated visit!

I hope this satisfies the craving for a post - but I WILL try to post more frequently.



Chris said...

The thing she didn't mention was how hard she wails on the djembe these days...

Anonymous said...

Yay! I am mentioned on your blog. Fame and fortune are soon to follow, I'm sure. It looks like a busy, happy summer.