03 May, 2008

The Merry Month of May

The month of May is traditionally dedicated to Mary.  I don't know all of the reasons for this, but I do know it has to do partially with May being the season of new life.  The season of spring, captured in the month of May, reflects Mary's life - open and receptive to the rain and seed, bringing forth the Light and Life of the world.

The church offers many different ways to meditate on and celebrate Mary, one of which is going on a pilgrimage.  
Today, I went on a pilgrimage - short, but a pilgrimage nonetheless.  I walked with two other women and their children, starting at "The Tower," around the outskirts of campus, to the priory at the back of UD's property where there is a small statue of Mary under some trees, and then around the other side of campus,  and back to the Tower.  As we walked we offered our "intentions" (ie petitions) to the care of Mary, asking her to pray with us and for us to the Father.  
It was very fitting, walking with two other women, one five months pregnant and pushing a 1 1/2 year old in a stroller, the other pushing a double stroller with a 2 year old and 7 month old - both huffing and puffing up the hills, running after the boys as they got into weeds or puddles - but all the while offering up prayers.  And we walked - an everyday task - and we mingled our prayers with our everyday.  And we were together - solidarity in our walking and praying, in our chasing after children and huffing and puffing up hills, in our petitions for our husbands and families and children.  At the shrine we sang a song - Immaculate Mary.  Three everyday voices, under the trees, rising heavenward.

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