08 April, 2008

Thoughts on the "Mostly Raw Diet"

Well, yes, um, about that diet.
(cough cough)
How about that basketball game last night!?
We had a grand evening out at a friends house watching the national championship game. Jonathan is one of our very few friends who has a TV, so he ends up playing host whenever there is any major sporting event. He seams to enjoy it though, especially since he usually ends up with a few extra bears in the fridge and at least one bag of chips and can of salsa.

Diet? What? Yes, well . . .

After both of us arrived home from work with raging headaches, upset stomachs and no energy . . . we modified things just a little. Perhaps easing into this "raw" business would be better. So, nuts, the occasional potato and whole grain item and a few cooked veggies are now back on the menu. (I found great recipe for carrot soup that I am going to try tonight. There were 8-10 ENOURMOUS carrots in our produce basket this week. When Chris says he "ate a carrot for lunch" he means he consumed about 1 pound of carrot.)

Last night consisted of an apple and nuts for a snack and a big salad (lettuce, spinach, purple cabbage, fresh basil, red onion, fresh tangerine chunks, cashews) and oven roasted rosemary potatoes for dinner.

On a different note - after dinner we both felt well enough to take a leisurely walk around campus. The weather has been absolutely beautiful lately and campus is now in full bloom - Iris beds, rose bushes, blooming trees. We soaked in the beautiful evening, thankful for a small patch of nature so close to us in this big, noisy city.


melissa said...

When I did my "Master Cleanse" thingy I felt like crap until about day five. It's the toxins leaking out. ;)

Also, we got 6 inches of snow the other day. Please don't mention flowers anymore.

Stephanie said...

All those pesky toxins! Good to know though! We were both feeling much better yesterday, though certainly not "good."

Also, don't feel to badly about the flowers. Just about the time everything is blooming and beautiful up there (which I'm sure is just around the corner), we'll be closing up shop, blasting the AC, and only able to venture out in the cool of the evening.

Chris said...

What is this 'cool' of the evening that you speak of, wife?

Chris said...

I just got back from lunch with my paper vendor at the Texas Land and Cattle Steak House, where I ate a large steak and some potatoes. Thus, marking the first time I've eaten meat and/or such carbs in several days... I think it will take until the end of our diet to digest.

Unknown said...

Hi Steph! How is the raw diet going?? Kevin and I were actually thinking about doing it and then I saw your blog! How is it? Are you feeling better yet? I hope you guys are doing great!!

Stephanie said...

Hi Erin,
The diet is going well (as I munch on an apple :) We have not been 100% strict about it. We had some brown rice last night, have cooked a few viggies and had nuts as a little snack here and there. I won't speak for Chris, but I am feeling great! The first few days were hard and I've been pretty tiered, but it's been easier the last 2 days. The hard part is making sure you are getting enough to eat (without making yourself sick on carrot sticks and celery - there is only so much your stomach can handle ;) If you do deciede to do it, make sure you have a variety of fruits and veggies - and lots of it in the house. If you don't have a container of cut up veggies on hand - when it comes time for a little snack it will be so easy to grab a few crackers or something. I'll keep you updated as week 1 wraps up.