22 April, 2008

Confession and the Cubs

Yesterday contained:
* A brisk walk around campus (I finally found a route all the way around campus, about a 1.5 mile walk. The Texas blue bonnets are in full bloom - great patches of deep blue. A small, trickling stream, sure to be dry in a month, but flowing now with spring rain - it smelled so good. )
* Mass
* A chat with Dwight and Emma (while being fascinated with Ike as he tumbled town hills, wandered off into shrubs and generally investigated the world around him "boy" fashion - i.e. lots of physical contact).
* Then confession with Father Robert (who apparently has a reputation for being a sage, since the line outside his office trailed down the hall and around the corner. We waited for 2 hours - but well worth it. We both felt Father Robert must know us, since his advice was so spot on. Can we say "152 insights into my soul?")
* Off to "the Rat" to watch the Cub's game. (The Rat is short for The Rathskeller - the on-campus deli, which happens to have TVs. A great alternative to the sports bar for grad students. Oh, and the cubs won - it was a fun game.)

1 comment:

melissa said...

what a fun day! We are FINALLY having spring weather here and are enjoying it fully. Tell Chris "Hi" from us!