Today Grace is 9! It is so hard to believe. She is growing up so quickly.
I remember the day she was born - Saturday April 17, 1999. It was the evening of Prom. I left the house in the late morning to get my hair done. When I returned, Missy (who happened to be the only one home) was in the early stages of labor, but thought perhaps it was just false labor. She painted my nails and put on my lipstick :) By this time labor was picking up and I was seriously considering not going to Prom. But, Missy convinced me I had to go. So, with a heavy heart I left my dear sister. I don't think I was a very good date that evening - rather distracted and very much wanting to be with my sister.
While we were getting pictures taken and eating dinner, and my parents were at a youth group event half way across Wisconsin, a friends mom raced Missy down to the hospital - turned out it wasn't false labor. My parents arrived just minutes before little Grace Anne came.
I remember getting the phone call while in the restaurant. Missy - announcing Graces arrival - Grace - little baby crying softly in the background. I cried too.
I didn't see Grace until the next morning - Holding the little girl in my arms, so sweet - my nails still painted.
I loved her from the moment I heard her voice on the phone - loved her with all my heart.
I remember the day she was born - Saturday April 17, 1999. It was the evening of Prom. I left the house in the late morning to get my hair done. When I returned, Missy (who happened to be the only one home) was in the early stages of labor, but thought perhaps it was just false labor. She painted my nails and put on my lipstick :) By this time labor was picking up and I was seriously considering not going to Prom. But, Missy convinced me I had to go. So, with a heavy heart I left my dear sister. I don't think I was a very good date that evening - rather distracted and very much wanting to be with my sister.
While we were getting pictures taken and eating dinner, and my parents were at a youth group event half way across Wisconsin, a friends mom raced Missy down to the hospital - turned out it wasn't false labor. My parents arrived just minutes before little Grace Anne came.
I remember getting the phone call while in the restaurant. Missy - announcing Graces arrival - Grace - little baby crying softly in the background. I cried too.
I didn't see Grace until the next morning - Holding the little girl in my arms, so sweet - my nails still painted.
I loved her from the moment I heard her voice on the phone - loved her with all my heart.
1 comment:
Looking back, I should have let you skip prom and come to the hospital. At the time, Prom seemed like something too important to miss - what odd priorities young people have! I wish you could have been there, Steph. But perhaps neither of us were ready for that at the time.
If you're close, you'll be invited to be at my next homebirth! :)
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